Intel e5400 processor
  1. Intel E5400 Processor Review

Price and performance details for the Intel Pentium E5400 @ 2.70GHz can be found below. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark. Pentium E5400 benchmarks, Pentium E5400 performance data from and the Phoronix Test Suite.

The maximum Thermal Design Power is the power in Watts that the CPU will consume in the worst case scenario. The lithography is the semiconductor manufacturing technology being used to create the CPU - the smaller this is, the more transistors that can be fit into the CPU, and the closer the connections. For both the lithography and the TDP, it is the lower the better, because a lower number means a lower amount of power is necessary to run the CPU, and consequently a lower amount of heat is produced.

Intel E5400 Processor Review

The Pentium J2900 2.41GHz has a 55 Watt lower Maximum TDP than the Pentium Dual Core, and was created with a 23 nm smaller manufacturing technology. What this means is the Pentium J2900 2.41GHz will consume significantly less power and consequently produce less heat, enabling more prolonged computational tasks with fewer adverse effects. This will lower your yearly electricity bill significantly, as well as prevent you from having to invest in extra cooling mechanisms (unless you overclock).