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- [Voiceover] My name is Taylor Hokanson,and I'm an assistant professor of artat Columbia College Chicago.The art that I make often takes the form of sculpture,yet many of these pieces start out in digital format.Computers are obviously great tools for design,but a few people know how to translate thesedesigns directly into physical objects.Programs like Fusion can be used for design,manufacturing, and all the various stepsthat come in between.In this series, I'll get you up and runningon Autodesk's Fusion 360 software package.There's a lot to discuss,so we'll only touch upon each area briefly.

Autodesk fusion 360 tutorial pdf

Fusion is multi-platform, but I'll be workingin the OSX environment, and I'll assume that you'realready comfortable in that operating system.I also highly recommend that you use a three-button mousefor this, and all three-D modeling software.It makes things a lot easier.During the course of this tutorial,I'll also pull media from external sourcesto demonstrate how Fusion handles various file types.So, let's get started.I'm glad to have the opportunityto introduce you to Fusion 360and the exciting world of computer-aided design,manufacturing, and collaboration.


How to access samples files for Fusion 360 tutorials

Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial Pdf


You can find the sample files for tutorials in 'Basic Training' project in the data panel in Fusion 360. To expand the Data Panel, select the icon with the squares in the top-left corner of Fusion 360.
Note: The Sample projects are listed at the very bottom of the Data Panel. Make sure that you are not within a project when searching for these.
The Sample projects go hand-in-hand with the material found in the Hands On Exercises portion of the Fusion 360 Learning Page.

Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial For Beginners Pdf
